


Tiếng nói sinh viên: [Global Studies Major] Tìm giải pháp hòa bình ở mọi cơ hội trong hành trình của tôi

Luna Bellina Pamadiken đến từ Indonesia

Khoa Quan hệ Quốc tế, Chuyên ngành Nghiên cứu Toàn cầu (Global Studies)

"The various viewpoints available for learning at the college of international relations, including governance and peace, environment and sustainability, as well as culture and society. Oh! Plus point too, it is in English. Moreover, its location attracted me a lot. Life in Tokyo, Japan's capital seemed too busy and crowded for my own liking and I especially like Kyoto because of the rich and cultural history the city offers. Kyoto is labeled as a scholar's city, and it's a good first place to start my university life."


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